Where is The Bike Barn?

First find Ogden

The Bike Barn is in Ogden, Iowa (click for a map), which is at the intersection of Highway 30 and Highway 169. Take a pleasant ride (or drive) from anywhere in central Iowa and come see us. The following table gives directions on getting to Ogden.

If you are in . . .  Then go . . . 
Ames 25 miles west on Highway 30
Boone 9 miles west on Highway 30
Des Moines 45 miles northwest on Highway 141 and Highway 169
Fort Dodge 40 miles south on Highway 169
Jefferson 18 miles east on Highway 30
Perry 18 miles north on Highway 169

Then find The Bike Barn

Once you get to Ogden, you need to go to 414 NW 6th Street (click for a map). The Bike Barn is on the southwest corner of that intersection. We have signs at some key intersections in Ogden, so keep an eye out for those to help point you in the right direction. See you soon!